


a story of trusted advisors



a story of trusted advisors

matchmaker stories

Every single customer has a different need, desire, problem, worry and curiosity when they enter our stores. How we meet them, find their needs, and help them enjoy amazing technology defines us as a company. A company that people trust, revisit and tell their friends about.

There’s so many great matchmakers and stories across our markets. Below we have made movies of a few of them, but we know there’s many more that deserves to be elevated. That’s why we hope you will share your own or a colleague’s matchmaker story, so we can inspire each other and our customers, and together continue to deliver a true trusted advisor experience.

Submit your story in your own words. We will select the best Matchmaker story from each country and perhaps you will be the lucky winner to get your very own movie poster.

win your own

movie poster

Share your best

matchmaker story

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